java web中Excel文件导入
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/**	 * 会员excel导入	 * 	 */	@RequestMapping("/customerImport.do")	@ResponseBody	public String customerImport(@RequestParam("excelFile") CommonsMultipartFile excelFile, HttpServletRequest request)			throws MmoException {		if (null == excelFile) {			throw new MmoException(Status.ARGS_FAIL, "获取excel文件失败");		}		List
custInfos = new ArrayList
(); new ExcelImportUtil2
().parseExcel(excelFile, request, custInfos, new ExcelToCustInfoImpl()); Map
map_params = new HashMap
(); map_params.put("custInfos", JSONHelper.toJson(custInfos)); map_params.put("brandId", getSessionUser().getBrandId()); map_params.put("createId", getSessionUser().getRowId()); String result = null; try { result = HttpUtil.doPost(TradePortalUtil.readConfig() + "/cust/importCusttomers", getBrandHead(), map_params); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MmoException(Status.SERVICE_FAIL, "数据服务器异常,请稍后"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(result)) { Res
jsonResp = JSONHelper.toObj(result, new TypeToken
>() { }); if (jsonResp.getStatus() == Status.SUCCESS) { if (Status.SUCCESS.equals(jsonResp.getStatus())) { result = "success"; } } } return result; }


package com.its.mmo.common.util;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.text.DecimalFormat;import java.text.ParseException;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.List;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DateUtil;import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;import org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile;import com.its.mmo.MmoException;import com.its.mmo.Status;import com.its.mmo.app.customer.model.CustInfo;public class ExcelImportUtil2
{ public static final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0"); public static final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); public void parseExcel(CommonsMultipartFile excelFile, HttpServletRequest request, List
datas, ExcelRowToObj
rowToObj) throws MmoException { String updatePath = request.getServletContext().getRealPath("upload"); String fileName = excelFile.getFileItem().getName(); File file = new File(updatePath, fileName); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } FileInputStream fileInputStream = null; try { // 保存临时文件 excelFile.transferTo(file); Workbook workbook = null; try { fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fileInputStream); } catch (Exception e) { fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fileInputStream); } // 读取第一个sheet Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); // 读取数据,从第二行开始,第一列岗位名称,第二列岗位描述,第三列岗位编号 for (int i = 1; i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getCellValue(sheet.getRow(i).getCell(0)))) { T t= (T) rowToObj.excelRowToObj(sheet.getRow(i)); datas.add(t); } } if (null != fileInputStream) { fileInputStream.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new MmoException(Status.SERVICE_FAIL, "excel文件错误", e); } finally { file.delete(); } } public static String getCellValue(Cell cell) { Object value = null; if (null == cell) { return null; } switch (cell.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: value = cell.getBooleanCellValue(); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) { value = sdf.format(cell.getDateCellValue()); } else { value = df.format(cell.getNumericCellValue()); } break; default: value = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; } return String.valueOf(value); }}


package com.its.mmo.common.util;import java.text.ParseException;import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;public interface ExcelRowToObj
{ public T excelRowToObj(Row row)throws ParseException; }


package com.its.mmo.app.customer.componeny;import java.text.ParseException;import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;import com.its.mmo.app.customer.model.CustInfo;import com.its.mmo.common.util.ExcelImportUtil2;import com.its.mmo.common.util.ExcelRowToObj;public class ExcelToCustInfoImpl implements ExcelRowToObj
{ public CustInfo excelRowToObj(Row row) throws ParseException { CustInfo cust = new CustInfo(); cust.setChannelId(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); // cust.setRealName(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(1))); cust.setNick(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(2))); cust.setPicUrl(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(3))); cust.setCustType(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(4))); cust.setGender(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(5)) == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(5)))); cust.setMobile(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(6))); cust.setMail(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(7))); cust.setWechat(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); cust.setPostCode(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(9))); cust.setAddress(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(10))); cust.setStoreId(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(11))); cust.setBirthday(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(12)) == null ? null : ExcelImportUtil2.sdf.parse(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(12)))); cust.setOccuption(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(13))); cust.setQq(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(14))); cust.setBlog(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(15))); cust.setPassportType(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(16))); cust.setPassportNo(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(17))); cust.setWorkplace(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(18))); cust.setHobby(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(19))); cust.setIncome(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(20))); cust.setProvince(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(21))); cust.setCity(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(22))); cust.setArea(ExcelImportUtil2.getCellValue(row.getCell(23))); return cust; }}


<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><%String path = request.getContextPath();String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";%>	bookstrap-table	

Hello World!


(文件格式 *.xls/xlsx)


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/** * AJAX Upload * Project page - http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ * Copyright (c) 2008 Andris Valums, http://valums.com * Licensed under the MIT license (http://valums.com/mit-license/) */(function () {    var d = document, w = window;    /**     * Get element by id     */    function get(element) {        if (typeof element == "string")            element = d.getElementById(element);        return element;    }    /**     * Attaches event to a dom element     */    function addEvent(el, type, fn) {        if (w.addEventListener) {            el.addEventListener(type, fn, false);        } else if (w.attachEvent) {            var f = function () {                fn.call(el, w.event);            };            el.attachEvent('on' + type, f)        }    }    /**     * Creates and returns element from html chunk     */    var toElement = function () {        var div = d.createElement('div');        return function (html) {            div.innerHTML = html;            var el = div.childNodes[0];            div.removeChild(el);            return el;        }    }();    function hasClass(ele, cls) {        return ele.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)'));    }    function addClass(ele, cls) {        if (!hasClass(ele, cls)) ele.className += " " + cls;    }    function removeClass(ele, cls) {        var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)');        ele.className = ele.className.replace(reg, ' ');    }// getOffset function copied from jQuery lib (http://jquery.com/)    if (document.documentElement["getBoundingClientRect"]) {        // Get Offset using getBoundingClientRect        // http://ejohn.org/blog/getboundingclientrect-is-awesome/        var getOffset = function (el) {            var box = el.getBoundingClientRect(),                doc = el.ownerDocument,                body = doc.body,                docElem = doc.documentElement,            // for ie                clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0,                clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0,            // In Internet Explorer 7 getBoundingClientRect property is treated as physical,            // while others are logical. Make all logical, like in IE8.                zoom = 1;            if (body.getBoundingClientRect) {                var bound = body.getBoundingClientRect();                zoom = (bound.right - bound.left) / body.clientWidth;            }            if (zoom > 1) {                clientTop = 0;                clientLeft = 0;            }            var top = box.top / zoom + (window.pageYOffset || docElem && docElem.scrollTop / zoom || body.scrollTop / zoom) - clientTop,                left = box.left / zoom + (window.pageXOffset || docElem && docElem.scrollLeft / zoom || body.scrollLeft / zoom) - clientLeft;            return {                top: top,                left: left            };        }    } else {        // Get offset adding all offsets        var getOffset = function (el) {            if (w.jQuery) {                return jQuery(el).offset();            }            var top = 0, left = 0;            do {                top += el.offsetTop || 0;                left += el.offsetLeft || 0;            }            while (el = el.offsetParent);            return {                left: left,                top: top            };        }    }    function getBox(el) {        var left, right, top, bottom;        var offset = getOffset(el);        left = offset.left;        top = offset.top;        right = left + el.offsetWidth;        bottom = top + el.offsetHeight;        return {            left: left,            right: right,            top: top,            bottom: bottom        };    }    /**     * Crossbrowser mouse coordinates     */    function getMouseCoords(e) {        // pageX/Y is not supported in IE        // http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/w3c_cssom.html        if (!e.pageX && e.clientX) {            // In Internet Explorer 7 some properties (mouse coordinates) are treated as physical,            // while others are logical (offset).            var zoom = 1;            var body = document.body;            if (body.getBoundingClientRect) {                var bound = body.getBoundingClientRect();                zoom = (bound.right - bound.left) / body.clientWidth;            }            return {                x: e.clientX / zoom + d.body.scrollLeft + d.documentElement.scrollLeft,                y: e.clientY / zoom + d.body.scrollTop + d.documentElement.scrollTop            };        }        return {            x: e.pageX,            y: e.pageY        };    }    /**     * Function generates unique id     */    var getUID = function () {        var id = 0;        return function () {            return 'ValumsAjaxUpload' + id++;        }    }();    function fileFromPath(file) {        return file.replace(/.*(\/|\\)/, "");    }    function getExt(file) {        return (/[.]/.exec(file)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(file.toLowerCase()) : '';    }    /**     * Cross-browser way to get xhr object     */    var getXhr = function () {        var xhr;        return function () {            if (xhr) return xhr;            if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {                xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();            } else {                var v = [                    "Microsoft.XmlHttp",                    "MSXML2.XmlHttp.5.0",                    "MSXML2.XmlHttp.4.0",                    "MSXML2.XmlHttp.3.0",                    "MSXML2.XmlHttp.2.0"                ];                for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {                    try {                        xhr = new ActiveXObject(v[i]);                        break;                    } catch (e) {                    }                }            }            return xhr;        }    }();// Please use AjaxUpload , Ajax_upload will be removed in the next version    Ajax_upload = AjaxUpload = function (button, options) {        if (button.jquery) {            // jquery object was passed            button = button[0];        } else if (typeof button == "string" && /^#.*/.test(button)) {            button = button.slice(1);        }        button = get(button);        this._input = null;        this._button = button;        this._disabled = false;        this._submitting = false;        // Variable changes to true if the button was clicked        // 3 seconds ago (requred to fix Safari on Mac error)        this._justClicked = false;        this._parentDialog = d.body;        if (window.jQuery && jQuery.ui && jQuery.ui.dialog) {            var parentDialog = jQuery(this._button).parents('.ui-dialog');            if (parentDialog.length) {                this._parentDialog = parentDialog[0];            }        }        this._settings = {            // Location of the server-side upload script            action: 'upload.php',            // File upload name            name: 'userfile',            // Additional data to send            data: {},            // Submit file as soon as it's selected            autoSubmit: true,            // The type of data that you're expecting back from the server.            // Html and xml are detected automatically.            // Only useful when you are using json data as a response.            // Set to "json" in that case.            responseType: false,            // Location of the server-side script that fixes Safari            // hanging problem returning "Connection: close" header            closeConnection: '',            // Class applied to button when mouse is hovered            hoverClass: 'hover',            // When user selects a file, useful with autoSubmit disabled            onChange: function (file, extension) {            },            // Callback to fire before file is uploaded            // You can return false to cancel upload            onSubmit: function (file, extension) {            },            // Fired when file upload is completed            // WARNING! DO NOT USE "FALSE" STRING AS A RESPONSE!            onComplete: function (file, response) {            }        };        // Merge the users options with our defaults        for (var i in options) {            this._settings[i] = options[i];        }        this._createInput();        this._rerouteClicks();    }// assigning methods to our class    AjaxUpload.prototype = {        setData: function (data) {            this._settings.data = data;        },        disable: function () {            this._disabled = true;        },        enable: function () {            this._disabled = false;        },        // removes instance        destroy: function () {            if (this._input) {                if (this._input.parentNode) {                    this._input.parentNode.removeChild(this._input);                }                this._input = null;            }        },        /**         * Creates invisible file input above the button         */        _createInput: function () {            var self = this;            var input = d.createElement("input");            input.setAttribute('type', 'file');            input.setAttribute('name', this._settings.name);            var styles = {                'position': 'absolute', 'margin': '-5px 0 0 -175px', 'padding': 0, 'width': '220px', 'height': '30px', 'fontSize': '14px', 'opacity': 0, 'cursor': 'pointer', 'display': 'none', 'zIndex': 2147483583 //Max zIndex supported by Opera 9.0-9.2x                // Strange, I expected 2147483647                // Doesn't work in IE :(                //,'direction' : 'ltr'            };            for (var i in styles) {                input.style[i] = styles[i];            }            // Make sure that element opacity exists            // (IE uses filter instead)            if (!(input.style.opacity === "0")) {                input.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)";            }            this._parentDialog.appendChild(input);            addEvent(input, 'change', function () {                // get filename from input                var file = fileFromPath(this.value);                if (self._settings.onChange.call(self, file, getExt(file)) == false) {                    return;                }                // Submit form when value is changed                if (self._settings.autoSubmit) {                    self.submit();                }            });            // Fixing problem with Safari            // The problem is that if you leave input before the file select dialog opens            // it does not upload the file.            // As dialog opens slowly (it is a sheet dialog which takes some time to open)            // there is some time while you can leave the button.            // So we should not change display to none immediately            addEvent(input, 'click', function () {                self._justClicked = true;                setTimeout(function () {                    // we will wait 3 seconds for dialog to open                    self._justClicked = false;                }, 2500);            });            this._input = input;        },        _rerouteClicks: function () {            var self = this;            // IE displays 'access denied' error when using this method            // other browsers just ignore click()            // addEvent(this._button, 'click', function(e){            //   self._input.click();            // });            var box, dialogOffset = {top: 0, left: 0}, over = false;            addEvent(self._button, 'mouseover', function (e) {                if (!self._input || over) return;                over = true;                box = getBox(self._button);                if (self._parentDialog != d.body) {                    dialogOffset = getOffset(self._parentDialog);                }            });            // We can't use mouseout on the button,            // because invisible input is over it            addEvent(document, 'mousemove', function (e) {                var input = self._input;                if (!input || !over) return;                if (self._disabled) {                    removeClass(self._button, self._settings.hoverClass);                    input.style.display = 'none';                    return;                }                var c = getMouseCoords(e);                if ((c.x >= box.left) && (c.x <= box.right) &&                    (c.y >= box.top) && (c.y <= box.bottom)) {                    input.style.top = c.y - dialogOffset.top + 'px';                    input.style.left = c.x - dialogOffset.left + 'px';                    input.style.display = 'block';                    addClass(self._button, self._settings.hoverClass);                } else {                    // mouse left the button                    over = false;                    var check = setInterval(function () {                        // if input was just clicked do not hide it                        // to prevent safari bug                        if (self._justClicked) {                            return;                        }                        if (!over) {                            input.style.display = 'none';                        }                        clearInterval(check);                    }, 25);                    removeClass(self._button, self._settings.hoverClass);                }            });        },        /**         * Creates iframe with unique name         */        _createIframe: function () {            // unique name            // We cannot use getTime, because it sometimes return            // same value in safari :(            var id = getUID();            // Remove ie6 "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items" prompt            // http://tinyurl.com/77w9wh            var iframe = toElement('');            iframe.id = id;            iframe.style.display = 'none';            d.body.appendChild(iframe);            return iframe;        },        /**         * Upload file without refreshing the page         */        submit: function () {            var self = this, settings = this._settings;            if (this._input.value === '') {                // there is no file                return;            }            // get filename from input            var file = fileFromPath(this._input.value);            // execute user event            if (!(settings.onSubmit.call(this, file, getExt(file)) == false)) {                // Create new iframe for this submission                var iframe = this._createIframe();                // Do not submit if user function returns false                var form = this._createForm(iframe);                form.appendChild(this._input);                // A pretty little hack to make uploads not hang in Safari. Just call this                // immediately before the upload is submitted. This does an Ajax call to                // the server, which returns an empty document with the "Connection: close"                // header, telling Safari to close the active connection.                // http://blog.airbladesoftware.com/2007/8/17/note-to-self-prevent-uploads-hanging-in-safari                if (settings.closeConnection && /AppleWebKit|MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {                    var xhr = getXhr();                    // Open synhronous connection                    xhr.open('GET', settings.closeConnection, false);                    xhr.send('');                }                form.submit();                d.body.removeChild(form);                form = null;                this._input = null;                // create new input                this._createInput();                var toDeleteFlag = false;                addEvent(iframe, 'load', function (e) {                    if (// For Safari                        iframe.src == "javascript:'%3Chtml%3E%3C/html%3E';" ||                            // For FF, IE                            iframe.src == "javascript:'';") {                        // First time around, do not delete.                        if (toDeleteFlag) {                            // Fix busy state in FF3                            setTimeout(function () {                                d.body.removeChild(iframe);                            }, 0);                        }                        return;                    }                    var doc = iframe.contentDocument ? iframe.contentDocument : frames[iframe.id].document;                    // fixing Opera 9.26                    if (doc.readyState && doc.readyState != 'complete') {                        // Opera fires load event multiple times                        // Even when the DOM is not ready yet                        // this fix should not affect other browsers                        return;                    }                    // fixing Opera 9.64                    if (doc.body && doc.body.innerHTML == "false") {                        // In Opera 9.64 event was fired second time                        // when body.innerHTML changed from false                        // to server response approx. after 1 sec                        return;                    }                    var response;                    if (doc.XMLDocument) {                        // response is a xml document IE property                        response = doc.XMLDocument;                    } else if (doc.body) {                        // response is html document or plain text                        response = doc.body.innerHTML;                        if (settings.responseType && settings.responseType.toLowerCase() == 'json') {                            // If the document was sent as 'application/javascript' or                            // 'text/javascript', then the browser wraps the text in a 
                            // tag and performs html encoding on the contents.  In this case,                            // we need to pull the original text content from the text node's                            // nodeValue property to retrieve the unmangled content.                            // Note that IE6 only understands text/html                            if (doc.body.firstChild && doc.body.firstChild.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'PRE') {                                response = doc.body.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;                            }                            if (response) {                                response = window["eval"]("(" + response + ")");                            } else {                                response = {};                            }                        }                    } else {                        // response is a xml document                        var response = doc;                    }                    settings.onComplete.call(self, file, response);                    // Reload blank page, so that reloading main page                    // does not re-submit the post. Also, remember to                    // delete the frame                    toDeleteFlag = true;                    // Fix IE mixed content issue                    iframe.src = "javascript:'';";                });            } else {                // clear input to allow user to select same file                // Doesn't work in IE6                // this._input.value = '';                d.body.removeChild(this._input);                this._input = null;                // create new input                this._createInput();            }        },        /**         * Creates form, that will be submitted to iframe         */        _createForm: function (iframe) {            var settings = this._settings;            // method, enctype must be specified here            // because changing this attr on the fly is not allowed in IE 6/7            var form = toElement('
'); form.style.display = 'none'; form.action = settings.action; form.target = iframe.name; d.body.appendChild(form); // Create hidden input element for each data key for (var prop in settings.data) { var el = d.createElement("input"); el.type = 'hidden'; el.name = prop; el.value = settings.data[prop]; form.appendChild(el); } return form; } };})();



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